Code for “Inference with a single treated cluster”

This page provides R and Stata code for Table 1, Algorithm 3.3, and a robustness check contained in my paper “Inference with a single treated cluster” [PDF].

Stata code

Download: stc_weight.ado, stc_weight2.ado, stc_estimate.ado, stc_estimate_robust.ado

Installation Instructions

  1. Download .ado files from above.
  2. In Stata command window, execute sysdir and locate personal directory.
  3. Place the .ado files from step 1 to the personal directory.
  4. Restart Stata.


The .ado files supply three functions:

stc_weight calculates the weight w as in Table 1 of the paper. It has the following arguments:

  • q_num is the number of control clusters.
  • het_level is a measure of heterogeneity. No default is supplied.
  • conf_level is the level of the test. No default is supplied.
  • steps is the number of grid points on [0,1] to search over.

Syntax is: stc_weight, q_num(.) het_level(.) conf_level(.) steps(.).

stc_weight2 calculates the weight w, assuming the variance of all control clusters are bounded away zero. It takes the same arguments as stc_weight. The syntax is also identical to that of stc_weight: stc_weight2, q_num(.) het_level(.) conf_level(.) steps(.).

stc_estimate calculates the test decision as in Algorithm 3.3. It has the following arguments:

  • varlist contains both the cluster-level estimate from a treated cluster, and a vector of cluster-level estimates from control clusters.
  • rho_level is a measure of heterogeneity. No default is supplied.
  • alpha_level is the level of the test. No default is supplied.
  • steps from stc_estimate is pre-specified to be 10,000.
  • Weight w is calculated based on the specified values of rho_level and alpha_level.
  • option specifies the weights computed. This takes two values. Option = 1 computes the weights assuming the variances of all but one control cluster are bounded away from zero. Option = 2 computes the weights assuming the variances of all control clusters are bounded away from zero. Puttingin any value other than 1 or 2 returns with an error message.

Syntax is: stc_estimate varlist, rho_level(.) alpha_level(.) option(.).

stc_estimate_robust computes the largest level of heterogeneity at which the null can no longer be rejected. It has the following arguments:

  • varlist, alpha_level, and option have the same meaning as before.
  • rho_start is the initial value rho_level for the robustness check.
  • inc is the increment that is added to rho_start for the grid search. The output of the function is correct up to less than inc. No default is supplied.

Syntax is: stc_estimate_robust varlist, rho_start(.) alpha_level(.) inc(.) option(.).

Replication Code for Table 2:, Replication_Data.csv

R code

Download: hagemann_rea.R

Include this file in R with include('hagemann_rea.R'). Alternatively, load it into R directly with


The code supplies three functions:

stc.weight calculates the weight w as in Table 1 of the paper. It has the following arguments:

  • q is the number of control clusters.
  • rho is a measure of heterogeneity. Default is rho=2.
  • alpha Level of the test. Default is alpha=.05.

stc calculates the test decision as in Algorithm 3.3. It has the following arguments:

  • x1 is the cluster-level estimate from a treated cluster.
  • x0 is a vector of cluster-level estimates from control clusters.
  • w is the weight. Will be calculated automatically if alpha and rho are supplied as arguments. If w is supplied, then alpha and rho arguments will be ignored.
  • verbose=TRUE provides a verbal summary of the test decision. Otherwise the value is a 1/0 decision. Default is TRUE.

stc.robust computes the largest level of heterogeneity at which the null can no longer be rejected. It has the following arguments:

  • x1, x0, alpha, verbose have the same meaning as before.
  • rhostart is the initial value rho for the robustness check.
  • inc is the increment that is added to rho for the grid search. The output of the function is correct up to less than inc. Default is .001.

Raw code

# Calculates w as in Table 1
stc.weight <- function(q, alpha=.05, rho=2, steps=10^4) {
  wgrid <- (1:steps)/steps
  bnd <- function(w) {
    minb <- function(b) pnorm(w*sqrt(q-1)*b)^(q-1) + 2*pnorm(-b*q)
    f0 <- function(y) pnorm((1-w)*rho*y)^(q-1) * dnorm(y)
    2^(-q-1) + integrate(f0, 0, Inf)$val + optimize(minb, c(0,2))$ob
  wres <- sapply(wgrid, bnd)
  winf <- min(which(wres <= alpha))
  if(is.finite(winf)) wgrid[winf]
  else stop("Feasible w does not exist. Decrease rho, increase q, or increase alpha.")

# Calculates test decision as in Algorithm 3.3
stc <- function(x1, x0, alpha=.05, rho=2, steps=10^4, w=NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
  q <- length(x0)
    w <- stc.weight(q=q, alpha=alpha, rho=rho, steps = steps)
  S <- c( (1+w)*(x1-mean(x0)), (1-w)*(x1-mean(x0)), x0 - mean(x0) )
  dec <-  mean(S[1:2])-mean(S[3:(q+2)]) == mean(sort(S, T)[1:2])-mean(sort(S, T)[3:(q+2)])
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
  	cat(paste("One-sided (>), alpha=", alpha, ".\n", sep=""))
  	cat(paste("Decision:", ifelse(dec == TRUE, "reject.", "do not reject.")))
  } else {

# Robustness check
stc.robust <- function(x1, x0, alpha=.05, rhostart=0, steps=10^3, inc=.001, verbose=TRUE) {
  rho <- rhostart
  dec <- stc(x1=x1, x0=x0, alpha=alpha, rho=rho, steps=steps, verbose=FALSE)
  if (dec == FALSE) {
  } else {
    while (dec == TRUE) {
      rho <- rho + 1
      dec <- stc(x1=x1, x0=x0, alpha=alpha, rho=rho, steps=steps, verbose=FALSE)
  rho <- max(rho - 1, rhostart)
  dec <- TRUE
  while (dec == TRUE) {
    dec <- stc(x1=x1, x0=x0, alpha=alpha, rho=rho, steps=steps, verbose=FALSE)
    rho <- rho + inc
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat(paste("H0 at alpha=", alpha, " can no longer be rejected at rho=", rho - inc, ".", sep=""))
  } else {
    rho - inc